"@peter cat loving ... very good, their lists of movies are always great, there are a few films on this list that i haven't watched, i love movie with vampires and werewolves. :)"
"Pinocchio is the favorite of many people in the world, and for me it is not different, I love him! :)"
"Ellen DeGeneres, Bill Murray, Neil Patrick Harris, Lupita Nyong'o I love them! :3"
"Alien will always be my favorite of the ridley! great! :)"
"beautiful, I love pictures underwater, even more when it comes to beautiful women! : 3"
"The Fifth Element, Total Recall, Predator, Alien, terminator, and many others who are on this list, I love! :)"
"Very nice peter, and christine you like him? I have a plymouth fury because of the movie, and my father gave me a birthday gift, he is 58:)"
"The first thing I see in a woman are the eyes, the eyes are the mirrors of the soul! ?*"
"@ Loving cat..HAHA oh god, only you see pretty girls, or am I too picky."
"Very nice peter, I'm glad I didn't see any girl in the gta, they are ugly haha :)"
"These women have something in common beyond beauty, charming eyes waww! :)"